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How glasses enhance your well-being

Headache reduction. Many people live with uncorrected vision impairment, unaware that the stress on their eyes causes headaches. Think about how often you check your smartphone daily – each time you do this, your eyes are working overtime to shift their focus between near and far fields. This leads to headaches, muscle tension and tired eyes if left unresolved.

Fixes neck, shoulder and back pain. If you can’t see your screen optimally, you will inadvertently strain your eyes and contort your posture. The resulting accumulation of stress in your neck, shoulders and back will negatively affect your productivity. Consider investing in a dedicated pair of glasses for reading and/or computer to keep your eyes fresh and relaxed.

Less hassle. If you find it cumbersome to switch between your glasses and sunglasses, self-tinting lenses may be the best option for you. They’re clear indoors and dark in the sun, so you’re able to enjoy perfect vision in all lighting conditions. Additionally, you’ll avoid risks like dropping your frames or tossing them into your bag without protection.

Protect the eyes. Let’s face it, this is the most obvious benefit of glasses. Make sure to equip polycarbonate or Trivex materials for superior impact resistance – especially for kid’s eyewear.

Improves your mood. Have you ever experience a calm and reminiscent feeling around dusk? Perhaps you’ve felt a touch of despair upon entering a dim room? These experiences illustrate how the color of light (and all its other attributes) takes an affect on our psyche. Using colored lenses may improve different aspects of your life by altering your mood – but there is no official protocol as to what color may stimulate you best.

Enhanced contrast. Polarized lenses can offer you enhanced contrast and clarity, going far beyond what the human eye is naturally capable of. Enhanced contrast, glare reduction and depth perception permit a more accurate evaluation your environment. Activities taking place in bright sunlight will benefit greatly from polarization – such as fishing, driving or skiing.

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Obtaining optimal vision

Obtaining the best vision is a combination of good frame-fit and high quality lenses. Good frame-fit means the eyes are well centered or in the top third of the frame, and the temples should rest comfortably over the ears.

Beyond looking good, frames must also be able to withstand school, sports and playtime. They should be hard to break, flexible, and ultra lightweight. SPIN frames fit this profile perfectly, thanks to the immense durability of their advanced source material: TR90.

When frame fit and corrective lenses accurately compensate for vision problems, your child can enjoy the world around them clearly. In turn, this builds confidence. High quality lenses meet the demands of schoolwork, playing with friends and studying on the computer, all of which require a child’s eyes to work overtime. If your child must walk to and from school, clear vision is vital for safely navigating sidewalks and crosswalks.

Remember: even adolescents are still developing their coordination and motor skills. It’s important to make sure they are corrected to 20/20 vision so they can safely judge moving objects and distances as they become licensed drivers.

High quality lenses will have the following characteristics:

  • Impact resistance (polycarbonate, Trivex)
  • Reliable scratch coating
  • Full anti-reflective coating (DuraVision Platinum)
  • Good hydrophobic and oleophobic qualities for easy cleaning
  • Lenses should be as light as possible.

We advise child to take an eye exam once school starts. Vision checks can be performed by an eye care professional near you and they don’t take long. A fresh eye exam will make sure your kids won’t be held back in their schoolwork by poor vision. While your at it, get the frames tuned-up and adjusted.

The earlier you get your child into quality lenses, the better their vision will develop over the years. Your kid can avoid many problems later in life if they are wearing glasses and sunglasses.